On December 22, 2013, NEFBiH's School of Bosnian Language held its bi-annual recital. Two groups, headed by Prof. Ellen Bursac, prepared a rich program where students (age 5 to 7, and age 7-11) delighted the audience of proud parents, grandparents, friends and other community members by singing songs in Bosnian. Members of the community were able to also enjoy traditional Bosnian delights thanks to the group of dedicated parents who organized the event. Project Leader and NEFBiH Board of Directors President, Ria Kulenovic , addressed the audience, as well as a couple of other proud parents to explain the significance of the school to our community. NEFBiH is looking forward to continuing this crucial program in 2014, and expanding classes to different age groups, including adults.

Categories: Kulturni programi, Škola Bosanskog jezika
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