NEFBiH would like to express its utmost gratitude to all the members of this year’s Project Bread: Walk for hunger- Team: I Walk for Prijedor and Srebrenica. We had 40 people walking with us on Sunday (5/1/16)! Special thank you also goes to all the donors who contributed but didn’t have an opportunity to walk with us. The Walk helps raise awareness and funds for those struggling to have food every day. Our Team goal was to raise $2000 this year for Project Bread, and we are ecstatic to let you know that we surpassed that goal by raising $2210 ($2180 online donations and $30 check donation to be processed). On the other hand, our Team also walks in memory of all genocide victims from Bosnia and Herzegovina. As you are aware, many were forced, among other things, to walk for tens of kilometers in extremely difficult conditions in order to reach safety (some never making it). This event marks the beginning of our 2016 Genocide Awareness Campaign. Stayed tuned for information on additional events and online campaigns coming up this month (and through July). Once again, THANK YOU for your amazing efforts and participation! Go TEAM!

Categories: Genocide Awareness, Walk for Hunger
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